In the story of the creation of Adam and Eve it is clear that man and woman were created to help, to support,to compliment each other. What a joy it must have been for God to bring woman to man - and man to woman! Because we are all made in the image of God, in his likeness, we must all find each other in joy and love, whether we are married or not.
By bringing Eve to Adam, God shows all humans their true calling - to be helpers who reveal his love to the world. And by bringing us his son,Jesus, he shows us that he will never leave us lonely or without help. Jesus himself said, "I will not leave you orphaned; I will come to you." He promises us that "the one who has received my commandments and obeys them - he it is who loves me; and he who loves me will be loved by my Father; and I will love him and disclosed myself to him" (John 14:18-21).
Who can understand the depth of these words and the hope they bring to our troubled world? The loneliest, most discouraged, disillusioned people may be assured that God will never forsake them. Even if they are unable to find human friendship, they will never be alone as long as they hold on to God. God brought Adam and Eve together to heal their loneliness and to set them free from their one-sidedness, and he has the same plan for every man and woman he brings together in marriage.
Yet marriage in itself cannot bring wholeness. Unless we abide in Christ, we will bear no fruit. When we love him who alone is our support, our hope, and our life, we can be secure in knowing and loving one another, But if we isolate ourselves inwardly from Christ,nothing will go well. He alone holds everything together and gives us access to God and to others (Col.1:17-20).
The ultimate goal of Christian economy of salvation is the building up of the Kingdom of God.The sacraments of the Church are the means for realizing this objective.The sacrament of matrimony has a particular role in the realization of this objective.My task is to place before you this specific role which this sacrament in the Church and in the world with a view to facilitate the coming of the Kingdom of God.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
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