Friday, December 19, 2014


Inner Healing and the call to Holiness

Out of practicality, let us look at the three basic facets that comprise every human being:

THE MIND that refers to our thought patterns,thinking processes, attitudes towards God, self and others and whether or not it is under the Lordship of Jesus. (Rom. 12:2.)

THE BODY that refers to our physical life and health, which becomes a sign of our spiritual well being as well.

THE SOUL that refers to the inner person; the feelings and emotions, the relationship we have, our personality,character traits and behavior patterns.
St. Paul in 1Thess.5:23-24, already aware of a crucial importance of this areas and obviously inspired by the Holy Spirit, reminds us that God wants us to be perfect and holy, safe and blameless in spirit, soul and body. He has called us to this pilgrimage and he will certainly accomplish it. Only then can the first and greatest commandment be lived sincerely - you must love the Lord you God with your whole Heart, with your whole Soul and with your whole mind... Mt. 22:37.

Monday, February 24, 2014


                                                                 Fr. Johann Christoph Arnold

The forgiveness of sins that Jesus offers is so powerful that it will change a person's life completely. Everything that makes us fearful or isolated, everything impure and deceitful, will yield if we give ourselves to him. What is up will come down, and what is down will come up.This change will start in the innermost heart of our being, and then both our inner and outer life, including all our relationships. will be transformed.

Whether or not a person has been transformed in this way shows up most plainly when he or she faces death. Those who have been at the bedside of a dying person will know how absolute, how final in its significance, is each person's inner relationship with God. They know that in the end, when the last breaths are drawn, this bond is the only thing that counts. It is the life - task of every person to prepare to meet God. Jesus tells us how to do this when he says, "Whatever you do for the least of them you do for me." He also says, "Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God." I have personally experienced at deathbeds that if a person has lived for others, as Jesus did, then God is very close to him in the last hour. I have also experienced at the hour of death the torment of those who lived selfish and sinful lives.

Through marriage the creative love of God becomes pemanently active in human society

 The growth of human society which God wants to effect takes place to through human cooperation. The continuation of humanity is dependant o...