Wednesday, October 26, 2016


"I...come before you freely and without reservation (fully)...and I promise to be to my children that God wants to give us (fruitful)."

. Every sexual intercourse is a renewal of the wedding vows taken at the altar.


As Jesus Christ said, "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.>>(John 10:10). Baptism gives us new life in Christ. That life involves far more than simply following a set of rules. It is about understanding our calling and living as free human beings not tied down by any bond,ages, and making LOVE our fundamental option. Married couples have to fight this "culture of death by giving witness to a life - giving Marriage and help build stable, happy & Christ - Centered families.

Thursday, October 6, 2016


If a family begins with a marriage, a strong family begins with a strong marriage. A marriage can only be strong if each spouse gives 150%. A good marriage is selfless and without sin , therefore no artificial contraception, nor even the desire to regulate children, unless there is a grave reason. Children    are no   longer something to try to avoid for a certain time, but rather they became the blessings, the gifts from God that they were meant to be. Gifts to be enjoyed and loved. The marriage provides the initial example; it is the first teacher, and it sets the tone for what a child sees as normal life. Parents must have a hap[py (although not perfect) marriage. Let our Lord fill the voids with His love. The closer they are to living with faith and God's Will,the happier they will be. Have you ever seen a selfish person be happy? Or an angry person?

Through marriage the creative love of God becomes pemanently active in human society

 The growth of human society which God wants to effect takes place to through human cooperation. The continuation of humanity is dependant o...