Saturday, October 1, 2011

b) Marriage,instituted by Christ as sacrament.

The sacramental nature of marriage cannot be proved by using individual words of institution, It is based on the fact that the marriage bond is related to the saving work of Christ.In the letter to the Ephesians the covenant
between man and wife in marriage is seen as the image of the covenant between Christ and the Church. "Just
as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her,in order to make her holy by cleansing her with the
washing of water by the word,so as to present the church to himself in splendour , without a spot or wrinkle
or anything of the kind-just so that she may be holy and without blemish.In the same way husbands should
love their wives as they do their own bodies....This is a great mystery (sacrament)" (Eph. 5, 25-32). Besides,
there are also the New Testament statements regarding 'marriage in the Lord' which we have already explained.

c) The sign of the sacrament of marriage is the human bond ot love which characterizes every marriage.s

When the baptized enter into this bond,it becomes the sign of Christ's self-gift to the Church by which God's
grace, divine life enters into the life of couple.In order to make this sign authentic, it must be purified of all
selfishness. The love and faithfulness that Christian husbands and wives have for each other are the effective
sign, the fulfilled symbol and the real epiphany of the love of God that has appeared in Jesus Christ. If marriage
represents a special form of being human in Christ that is based on baptism,it is also a special form of sharing
in the death and resurrection of Christ. If marital love is seen as existing under the sign of Christ's cross. It must
also be seen as being sustained by giving and being given

d) Marriage is the sacrament of the Church.

Just as baptism is the ecclesial expression of the faith of the believer in Christ, sacrament of marriage is an ecclesial expression of love that is given and received by the couples which symbolizes Christ's love for the Church. The Church plays an important role in the celebration as well as in living the sacrament of marriage.
That is why Vatican II calls the family a ' domestic Church'. Although it is the bride and bridegroom who give
the sacrament to each other,sacramental marriage is a covenantal act-public and legal-concerning the whole
community of believers.This is the reason why the validity of marriages requires that the marriage be celebrated
in the Church and before the ministers of the Church.

e) Marriage in an eschatological sign.

The festive mood at a wedding is a symbol of the joy and the fulfillment of human hope that will be present at the end of time (Mark 2,19ff, Mt. 22, 1-14; 25,1-13). The means used by God for the growth of the children of God is the sacrament of marriage. Besides,the growth towards the fullness of human life,which is an eschatological goal, will be normally realized through the family where this love is already active.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Like other sacramental rites, marriage now takes place within the Mass. Since it is a sign of the covenant between God and humanity and since the Eucharist is supremely the renewal of the covenant,the appropriateness of this arrangement is obvious. Besides it is very meaningful to integrate the mutual self-gift of the couple into the self-gift of Christ to the Church. A mixed marriage with the baptized person is normally celebrated outside Mass,although it could be celebrated during Mass with the permission of the local ordinary.

Marriage being a sacrament of the church it is celebrated in facie ecclesiae, that is , in the presence of the official minister of the Church. In the Latin Church, it is ordinarily understood that the spouses,as ministers of Christ's grace mutually confer upon each other the sacrament of matrimony by expressing their consent before the Church. Therefore the couples are the ministers of the sacrament of Matrimony in the Western Church. In the Eastern liturgies the minister of this sacrament is the priest or the Bishop who, after receiving the mutual consent of the spouses,successively crowns the bridegroom and the bride as a sign of the marriage covenant.

The presence of the official minister of the church is necessary for the validity of the marriage. We can distinguish four aspects of the reality of Christian marriage as it is presented in the Rite of marriage of the Roman Rite:


a) Marriage is a celebration of the Church.

The introductory rites put in evidence the fact that the relationship between the couple is, through the sacramental celebration, entering into the wider relationship of which the Church is constituted.. The Parish community rejoices on this happy occasion because through the celebration of marriage the love relationship that exist in the community is going to be expressed by two individuals in terms of their self-gift.The introductory dialogue expresses the content of their mutual dedication and their commitment to fulfill the conditions of marriage: freedom,indissolubility, fecundity and to take up their responsibility as spouses and parents.

b) Marriage is a covenant act.

The consent which they exchange after the liturgy of the Word is not a mere legal contract , but a covenantal act
by which both of them enter into into each other's gamut of relationship. It is an expression of their total and unconditional belonging to one another.The terms of this covenant is there human love purified by selfishness and satisfied in self-gift. Grounded in Christ's mystery this intimate community is made holy by the presence and action of the Holy Spirit. The word of God which they have listened to will be the interpreter of their lives henceforward and not their ideology or their likes or dislikes.

Through marriage the creative love of God becomes pemanently active in human society

 The growth of human society which God wants to effect takes place to through human cooperation. The continuation of humanity is dependant o...