Thursday, March 15, 2012

II. Extra - Marital Affairs

Adultery can be Single or Double depending on whether one or both are married.
Why is Extra- Marital Affair  (EMA) wrong?

1.      The word given on the wedding day is a serious word. They contradict the significance of the sexual
         gesture performed with the spouse.
         Sexual gesture points to a reciprocal gift and interior union. Relationship with a third party contradicts it.

2.     Sexual acts in Marriage expresses a fundamental option for the spouse.
        Extra Marital Act directly compromises two persons in reciprocal choice and self- donation

3.     It destroys the intimacy of conjugal dialogue and uniqueness of the sexual language.
*      Human person uses several languages. The sexual gesture is the secret language reserved only for
        spouses. EMA becomes a betrayal of the secret.

4.     Contradicts the basic respect due for a Human person.
*      Person unique and non- exchangable
*      We exchange things but not persons
*      EMA- people regard others not as person but as a partner.

How healthy would a marriage be if the couple were unfaithful to their wedding vows?

In the Domain of Sexuality what is Jesus calling to us

           *    Neither sexual slavery nor sexual repression

          *    But Sexual Redemption

          *    Lust binds us to the true beauty of the human body & of the true marital love.

The Spouses are Ministers

         *    Ministers of Love and Life

         *   Marital COVENANT is a permanent band

         *   The Marital covenant mirrors the DIVINE Covenant The Christ- Church Union

         *   Married couple living sign  in the world

         *   Marriage - a living sign that communicate Permanence, togetherness and happiness

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

III. Fundamental task of the Family is to serve LIFE

*     Creator's purpose of  Sex ".... person to person giving...."

*     We have the Unitive and Procreative end of marriage

Fundamental Principles with regards to Sexual Union In Marriage

 1.        " Every marital act must be open to the transmission of life."

2.           One cannot separate from  the unitive end of the sexual act, the procreative end. (Both Inseparable)

3.           Safeguarding both these essential aspects ( unitive and procreative), the conjugal act conserves
              integrally the sense of mutual & true love, and its ordination to the highest vocation man and woman
              to parenthood.

Married Couples are co-creators- entrusted the care of children


                   *    Choice of Life means choice for Procreation & Responsible Parenthood
                   *    In Contraception procreative- end frustrated.
                   *    Contraception    defeats the purpose of marriage   - which is for total self- giving.
                   *    Contraception makes the sacred marital act unworthy because it depreciate the PERSON,
                         degrades him/her to an object of pleasure.
                   *    The Church invites couples to understand their fertility patterns & use Creative Natural Fertility
                         (CNFM) or Natural Family Planning (NFP) which should be a way of life.
Last Word....

Jesus Christ said: " I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.>> [ John 10:10]. Baptism gives us new life in Christ. That life involves far more than simply following a set of rules. It is about understanding our calling and living us free human beings not tied down by any bondages, and making LOVE our fundamental option. Married couples have to fight this "culture of death" by giving witness to a life-giving Marriage and help build stable, happy & Christ- Centered families.

Through marriage the creative love of God becomes pemanently active in human society

 The growth of human society which God wants to effect takes place to through human cooperation. The continuation of humanity is dependant o...