Sometimes parents themselves rebel against God and the Church
or what the Churches teaches.This is the moment Satan takes hold of your family.
What is the result? Discord between the spouses and rebellion on the part of the
children! BUT,where there is God there is peace!You and your family must be
faithful to God and the teachings of the church and the regular reception of the
sacraments:Mass and Confession.Daily prayer together can help families experience
more of God's grace,peace and love. In your prayer,thank God for every member of
your family. Take all your disappointments,problems and anxieties to the Lord.
Read the Word of God daily!Sincere prayer such as the family Rosary,has never
been found to fail.Jesus said: "For where two or three are gathered together in my
name, there am in the midst of them."(Mt.18:20).The holy family of Jesus,Mary and Joseph shows us what it means to be a family.Put Jesus in the center of your family
and the message of Christ in its entire richness will find a home with you!
The ultimate goal of Christian economy of salvation is the building up of the Kingdom of God.The sacraments of the Church are the means for realizing this objective.The sacrament of matrimony has a particular role in the realization of this objective.My task is to place before you this specific role which this sacrament in the Church and in the world with a view to facilitate the coming of the Kingdom of God.
Through marriage the creative love of God becomes pemanently active in human society
The growth of human society which God wants to effect takes place to through human cooperation. The continuation of humanity is dependant o...
Marriage is one of the seven sacraments or symbolic actions of the Church by which Christ continuesto accomplish the mystery of redemption....
Communion with Christ who initiated the couple into the Trinitarian family must be nourished by a life of prayer which should characterize ...
Complementary of relationship is basic element of human life. Shared the life of man and woman in marriage appears at the very dawn of huma...
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