Sunday, May 6, 2012

Culture of Death

In March 1995, Pope John Paul II spoke of a profound " crisis of culture" which was against the world....marriage and family. A mentally against life enhancing culture, which he called as " Culture of Death ...."
The phrase "culture of life" is described by Catholic moral theologians as a philosophy that human life, at all stages from conception through to natural death, is sacred. As such , a "culture of  life>> is claimed to be opposed to practices seen by its proponents as destructive of human life., often including embryonic stem cell research, abortion, euthanasia, contraception, sex outside marriage, capital punishment, greed, degradation, sadistic humiliation , narcissism,selfishness, poverty and war. The "culture of death" degrades the human person and encourages a mentality that devalues the institution of marriage and family. When it comes to human relationships, the human  person is degraded into an object of pleasure, and the sanctity of marriage is not valued thus giving approval to pre-marital sex and extra-marital affairs.

Changes in Language Instituted by the Culture of Death

       *      Pre-Marital Sex is now called co- habitation
       *      Contraception methods - reproductive health products
       *      Abortion - woman's health issue
       *      Euthanasia - death with dignity
       *      Pornography - sexually explicit material
       *      Child molestation - Inter - generational love
       *      Promiscuity - serial monogamy
       *      Adultery - flexible monogamy
       *      Partner in adultery - significant other
       *      Bestiality - interspecies love

We are called to give witness to love and life in these challenging times when the " culture of death " mentality is challenging the very foundation of the Christian understanding of the human person, marriage and family

The Church is a mother and loves her children and wants the best for you, as a mother she has duty to teach the Truth to her children. When we talk about Catholic Morality we need to keep these thoughts in mind that the Church teaches as a mother.

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Through marriage the creative love of God becomes pemanently active in human society

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