Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mutual forgiveness.

An integral part of marital sexuality. We all belong to a sinful world, a world
in which vengeance grows seven fold. But Christ has  introduced us into a world
in which forgiveness grows without  limit. Living together with our differences which
at times manifest itself as alienation, we tend to offend or hurt one another.If it is the
love of Christ that has united the couple in the married life, the element of mutual
forgiveness must be an integral part of their life together. God has forgive us all; it now
remains for us to forgive one another in order to complete the redemptive work of Christ.
The redeemed Christian family will be one in which this horizontal forgiveness and recon-
ciliation is constantly cooperative.

Building up a community of love.

The love of a couple should overflow into their children, But care
should be taken to  make sure that it is a shared love.The selfless
love which bound the couple together now makes itself felt in the
family through the selfless love towards their children and the
selfless love of children towards one another.

Love nourished by prayer.

Communion with Christ who initiated the couple into the Trinitarian family
must be nourished by a life of prayer which should characterize their life
together. An atmosphere of love nourished by daily prayer which keeps
alive the divine presence in their midst is a very important means to build
up a Christian family.


Christian marriage is located within the great mystery of the union of Christ with the Church (Eph.5:32).
The sacredness of marriage comes from this fact. The content and dynamics of this Mystery is God's
love translated into human love. The heart of matrimony is precisely here.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Truth that sets us Free

"Preach the word,be urgent and out of season,convince,rebuke,and

     exhort,be unfailing in patience and in teaching."(2 Timothy 4-2)


God wills the salvation of everyone through knowledge of the truth,which is why the Good

News is proclaimed to every generation and to all the corners of the earth.Following in

the  Apostles' footsteps,Bishops have received the mission to proclaim boldly mystery of

salvation in its entirety, and to guide everyone in their search and understanding of it.


We implore the intercession of the Blessed Virgen Mary, to intercede for us and to

accompany us on our journey of faith.May she help us to respond with her courage

and openness to the Word, and to the will of God.As Catholics we can respond by

studying our faith at a deep and profound level so that we may have the ways and

thoughts of God and the heart and mind of Jesus Christ, and thus live the truth in

joy and freedom. As we work towards our salvation by the grace of God,may he

bless our efforts and bring to fulfillment every plan he has for us!


                          " How is it, then, that i seek you Lord?

                      Since in seeking you, my God. i seek a happy life,

                         let me seek you so that my soul may live,

                           for my body draws life from my soul

                             and my soul draws life from you."

                                   (St. Augustine)



Prayer Is Powerful

Sometimes parents themselves rebel against God and the Church
or what the Churches teaches.This is the moment Satan takes hold of your family.
What is the result? Discord between the spouses and rebellion on the part of the
children! BUT,where there is God there is peace!You and your family must be
faithful to God and the teachings of the church and the regular reception of the
sacraments:Mass and Confession.Daily prayer together can help families experience
more of God's grace,peace and love. In your prayer,thank God for every member of
your family. Take all your disappointments,problems and anxieties to the Lord.
Read the Word of God daily!Sincere prayer such as the family Rosary,has never
been found to fail.Jesus said: "For where two or three are gathered together in my
name, there am in the midst of them."(Mt.18:20).The holy family of Jesus,Mary and Joseph shows us what it means to be a family.Put Jesus in the center of your family
and the message of Christ in its entire richness will find a home with you!

Through marriage the creative love of God becomes pemanently active in human society

 The growth of human society which God wants to effect takes place to through human cooperation. The continuation of humanity is dependant o...