Thursday, August 9, 2012

God is the source and the object of true love

Marriage is not the highest goal of life. God's image is reflected most brightly and completely where there is love first for him and then for our brothers and sisters. In true Christian marriage, then the husband will lead his wife and children not to himself, but to God. In the same way, a wife will support her husband as a helper,and together they will lead their children to honour them as father and mother, and to love God as their creator. To be a helper to another on God's behalf is not just an obligation, but a gift. How different   our relationships would be if  we rediscoved this! We live in a time when fear and mistrust grip us everywhere we go. Where is love, the love that builds community and the church?

There are two kinds of love. One is turned selflessly toward others and their well-being. The other is possessive and limited to the ego. Augustine says, "Love is the self of the soul, the hand of the soul. When it holds one thing, it cannot hold something else. If it is to hold what one gives it, it has to put down what it is holding." God's love desires nothing. It gives and sacrifices itself, for this is its joy.

Love always has its roots in God. May God grant that the power of his love grips anew. It will lead us to others, to share our lives with them. More than that, it will lead us to the kingdom. Love is the secret of God's coming kingdom.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


For the past two decades swift, sweeping, scientific, cultural, technological changes and globalization have impacted the family and rendered it vulnerable. The current state of decline in society can largely be traced to the lack of importance attached to the well-being of humanity. But attacks both subtle and overt have led to the increasing breakdown of marriage and family. Hence we see families faced with various pressures and challenges that render the family dysfunction and prevent the growth of family life and strengthening of the spousal bond. My task through this presentation is to place before you the source of psycho- medical challenges, the signs of these challenges and the possible strategies so that this awareness may empower couples strengthen the spousal bond and doing so, build family which is the sanctuary of life, love and communion.

the psycho- medical challenges that prevent intimacy and life-giving relationships could be broadly classified as Internal factors within the spousal bond and External factors beyond the spousal bond.


FAMILY OF ORIGIN :  Our family of origin has great impact on our identity and communication. The unique person that I am has its roots in the family of origin because we wrote our life scripts there. These scripts depended on how we were loved, accepted, understood and affirmed by our caregivers. We also  learnt  patterns of communication in our family. that is precisely why family is the first school of relationships. the family of origin impacts our ability to love, to communicate and to contribute to the spousal relationship

SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION :  Sexual dysfunction is defined as difficulty during any stage of the process of sexual intercourse,. It has to do either with Inhibited sexual desire, Inhibited Sexual arousal, Inhibited orgasm and painful sexual intercourse, which prevents the spouses from enjoying Sexual or physical intimacy.

Inhibited Sexual Desire also referred to as libido is a crisis that arises  from physical or psychological factors. It presents a lack or absence of interest in sexual activity. Contributing factors include non- acceptance of sexuality as a gift, anxiety, job related stress, financial loans, unresolved spousal conflicts and self image issues. Inhibited sexual desire could result through the use of medication. the common side effect of combined oral contraceptives and the use of anti- depressants, hypertensive drugs and mood stabilizers have shown a decrease in sexual desire. Depression also has a profound effect on sexual intimacy. 75% of those with depression cause sexual dysfunction.

Inhibited Sexual Arousal is understood as the failure to achieve erection despite strong sexual desire. Erectile dysfunction is a common sign and manifests in the male as failure to achieve and maintain an erection long enough to facilitate penetration . Erectile dysfunction is often associated with Vascular disease and Diabetes Mellitus. Performance anxiety may result in inhibited sexual arousal. Premature Ejaculation features within this and is responsible  for great spousal stress since the basic need of sexual intimacy is not met. Inhibited orgasm hinders sexual  arousal and is often brought about by fear, embarrassment, untreated anger, stress, traumatic sexual  experiences of the past as in child sexual abuse, social  conditioning  (Sex is for procreation only) and deeply entrenched taboos (sex is dirty). Painful sexual intercourse is seen in women in the form of  Vaginimus  and  dysparunia  both  of which should be understood and treated.


In ability to feel aroused and lack of interest. Relational / psychological problems / hormonal problems.

                                    MEN                                                            WOMEN
1 . Delay / absence of ejaculation despite                          1. Burning or pain in vulva / vagina
despite stimulation                                                            
2.  Inability to have an erection                                         2.  Inability to reach orgasm.
3.  In ability to control timing of ejaculation                       3. Inability to relax vaginal muscles
4   Inability to sustain erection adequately for                     for intercourse
intercourse.                                                                       4. Inadequate vaginal lubrication.


Accurate Understanding of Sexuality as a quality of personality. A Holistic approach to Intimacy as a process

Call you doctor if symptoms persist

Medication to treat root cause

Hormonal replacement in therapy  (deficiency )

Behavioral therapy

Couple therapy- inter-persona issues / conflicts

Psycho-therapy to address anxiety fear and inhibitions.a- personal

Intra-personal  factors.........Psycho- medical challenges.....infertility and diseases.

Physical deficiency in form of disease , accidents , metabolic disorders , hormonal deficiencies ,birth defects (Klinefelter syndrome , Cryptoorchidism ) absence of organs , pelvic inflammatory  disease ectopic pregnancy all contribute to infertility and are a major source of stress in the life of the spouses.

Mental health disorders such as depression, Anxiety disorders, Adjustment disorders , Post-traumatic stress disorders Obsessive compulsive disorders , Paranoia , Bipolar personality disorders incapacitate the individuals and prevent them from entering fully and responding to the demands of an adult relationship .

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Interpersonal Challenges

The family system needs a marriage. A marriage can work if partners work together, fulfill each other's "needs and create a climate in which both can grow. Marriage therapist believe   that spouses can eliminate stress if    they confront and communicate their need to the other.

Common areas of conflict in spousal relationship:

Differences :   Marriage brings together two people with varying backgrounds , personalities, desires, views and priorities in the most intimate relationship possible for the rest of their life. when they live together these differences do not go fact they come alive. How the couple understands or deals with these differences either builds or destroys the relationship.

Communication :  The patterns of communication learnt in the family of origin effects the quality of spousal communication. It is important that both spouses learn to use patterns that aid communication. and abandon those that are hazardous or destructive.

Time together :  Time management may be defined as the art of planning your time to fulfill your goals. Regardless of what your priorities are you need time together when you can physically and emotionally be available to each other. This will build both verbal as well as non-verbal  communication . Time together facilities communication and commitment to the relationship. Spouses who fit in daily or weekly rituals find it easier to live out their marriage in  life - giving way as well as contribute the well being of  their family.

Finance :  Money is a major contributory factor to couple discord . A dispute over money is symptomatic of deeper emotional problems or it could be seen as a means of control . The most important value is that spouses talk about themselves in relationship to money. Their relationship is important If possessions gain far more importance they will probably lose sight of love and intimacy along the way. Big financial secrets ruin the marriage for it violates trust..

Expectations :  Marriage is an opportunity to share life with another. This is truly one of life's greatest gift. What really damages that gift are our high expectations. The higher your expectation the more difficult your interaction with each other will be.

Resolving Conflicts :  To presume that partners will go through life without disagreement or arguments is idealistic, even naive. Be careful not to make the disagreement into a contest where one wins and the other loses. Let the relationship be the winner.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


The economy of Migration:
In the light of the economic situation spouse/ parents leave families behind to look for jobs that offer greater compensation but at the price of stability of their spousal bond, the proper maturation of their children who are deprived  of the guidance and love of their parents at the most impressionable years  of their life.

Mass Media:
 Most programs in the mass media are engineered to change our attitude towards relationships and sexuality. They are designed to break down sexual inhibitions, invalidate traditional values, destroys parental and family trust and have for reaching consequences changing the mind, morals and motivation of an entire generation.

Technology :
We live in an age where speed is the essence of life. We  have no time to listen, to dialogue, to reflect. We have lost the ability to be still.Speed has and is destroying relationships, marriages and families because we want immediate results/ happiness/ solutions/ peace/understanding/ compatibility. Technology has recreated the way we live and subsequently the need to always use things and people for our own convenience.

Challenges at the work place:
The family today is under pressure with working and children away from the university. The Family has little time for togetherness and bonding rituals. But perhaps the greater challenge is at the workplace, with changing work culture that demands more time and dedication. We are moving into a generation where our colleagues and work performance, social status and career opportunities are prioritized over spouse and family. This threatens the spousal bond. If spouses do not set boundaries for themselves it is not difficult to have significant others at the workplaces, who meet your emotional needs. Infidelity is the end result held with the value of relativism.Often the role of being a good provider takes precedence over being a faithful spouse or loving parent.

Influence of extended Family:
Marriage  is a significant decision in the life of adult which triggers a re-orientation in the list of one's priorities. It is a process of adjustment as well" Adjustment implies that all things/ persons will fade   in importance when compared with the welfare or well being of one's  spouse/ marriage commitment. The spouse be the first priority. Only then can one  enter fully, freely faithfully and fruitfully in to relationship.

Dealings with Psycho- medical challenges calls for:

Awareness:  To foster awareness of the internal/ external/family of origin stressors that exist.

Acceptance: Dysfunction can be worked on with great success. Spouses accept their own area of dysfunction
Action         : Commit to make the spousal band a priority.
                   : Identify       and work through Stressors (internal and external)
                   : Build the spousal relationship through communication and couple prayer.
                     Sustain the spousal bond through Rituals and connect.
                      Family prayer/ Family Catechesis

Friday, May 11, 2012

Dealings with Psycho-Medical Challenges calls for:

AWARENESS :  To foster awareness of the internal / external / family of origin stressors that exist.

ACCEPTANCE : Dysfunction can be  worked on with great success. Spouses accept their own area of dysfunction

Action                : Commit to make the spousal bond a priority.
                          : Identify and work through Stressors ( internal and external )
                          : Build the spousal relationship through communication and couple prayer.
                           Sustain the spousal bond through Rituals that connect.
                           Family Prayer / Family Catechesis

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Culture of Death

In March 1995, Pope John Paul II spoke of a profound " crisis of culture" which was against the world....marriage and family. A mentally against life enhancing culture, which he called as " Culture of Death ...."
The phrase "culture of life" is described by Catholic moral theologians as a philosophy that human life, at all stages from conception through to natural death, is sacred. As such , a "culture of  life>> is claimed to be opposed to practices seen by its proponents as destructive of human life., often including embryonic stem cell research, abortion, euthanasia, contraception, sex outside marriage, capital punishment, greed, degradation, sadistic humiliation , narcissism,selfishness, poverty and war. The "culture of death" degrades the human person and encourages a mentality that devalues the institution of marriage and family. When it comes to human relationships, the human  person is degraded into an object of pleasure, and the sanctity of marriage is not valued thus giving approval to pre-marital sex and extra-marital affairs.

Changes in Language Instituted by the Culture of Death

       *      Pre-Marital Sex is now called co- habitation
       *      Contraception methods - reproductive health products
       *      Abortion - woman's health issue
       *      Euthanasia - death with dignity
       *      Pornography - sexually explicit material
       *      Child molestation - Inter - generational love
       *      Promiscuity - serial monogamy
       *      Adultery - flexible monogamy
       *      Partner in adultery - significant other
       *      Bestiality - interspecies love

We are called to give witness to love and life in these challenging times when the " culture of death " mentality is challenging the very foundation of the Christian understanding of the human person, marriage and family

The Church is a mother and loves her children and wants the best for you, as a mother she has duty to teach the Truth to her children. When we talk about Catholic Morality we need to keep these thoughts in mind that the Church teaches as a mother.

Catholic Morality is about Life

Our Lord Jesus said, " I come that may they have life, and have it abundantly.>>(John 10:10).
Faith and baptism give us new life in Christ. That life involves far more than simply following a set of rules.
It is about living as free human beings not tied down by any bondages and making LOVE our fundamental option.

Morality is a call to recognize our dignity as men who have received a free gift of new life in Christ. We must live accordingly. Our Lord Jesus himself clearly taught us the first principles of Catholic morality: " You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as you love yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.>> ( Mt 22: 37-40 )

Love , or charity, is the great commandment of the Lord.

Love of God and love of neighbor are the source & summary of  Cattholic morality. " All the law and the prophets " flow from this starting point.

This means that what love requires is the essence of all moral rules, all of the Ten Commandments, and all aspects of morality spoken of by the Christ and Church Tradition down the ages. The only things needed are those things which love makes necessary.

Through marriage the creative love of God becomes pemanently active in human society

 The growth of human society which God wants to effect takes place to through human cooperation. The continuation of humanity is dependant o...